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Peeled Shrimps

We understand the diverse range of "peeled shrimps" available in the global market, as well as the specific demands and preferences of our customers throughout Europe. To cater to these varied needs, we offer a wide selection of shrimps available in raw, blanched, and cooked forms. For Mediterranean recipes, we traditionally offer the Chinese Peeled Shrimps (Solenocera melantho and Trachypenaeus curvirostris), also known as Gamba Pelada Spain. These shrimps are perfect for incorporating into Mediterranean dishes. Alternatively, for seafood cocktails, it is common to use blanched or cooked peeled shrimp. We recommend options such as Litopenaeus vannamei or Solenocera crassicornis for this application. With our extensive global sourcing network, we have access to a wide variety of shrimps, ensuring that we can always find the perfect solution to meet our customers' specific requests. Contact us today to find the perfect options that meet your requirements.

Peeled Shrimps

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